Black Angus Conical Braising

Black Angus Conical Braising

Sale price Price $155.00 Regular price Unit price  per 

500 g (1.1 Lbs) Piece
Grass fed - Never anti-biotic, hormones, animal by-products

Indulge in the succulent and tender Fullblood Black Angus Conical Muscle, nestled between the shank & blade. When braised, this cut delivers an unparalleled rich and gelatinous consistency, its hearty beefy flavor, it's perfect for Curries, Beef Bourguignon, Goulash or Pot Roast. Cut extra chunky to ensure a steak-like mouthfeel. Oxtail 2.0 at its finest and without any waste

Origin: Argentina

Hechsher: OU-Orthodox Union